Monday, January 19, 2009

The Ice Rink and Simpler Things

We have an ice rink in our backyard right now. A team of people have worked tirelesslly for almost a month now, realizing the vision.At a time when technology and change are the only contstants, the rink is making me feel like a proud Canadian pioneer. Christmas eve we laid the tarp, nailed in the border and started the flooding. Since the installation, I've learned a lot about ice rinks from the multitude of people in my world that have an opinion on best techniques.There are a multitude of sites dedicated to this very art. We've had some significant setbacks including the double digit temperatures that closed December. But every night after dinner, the collaboration begins and the results speak for the themselves. Since no outdoor rink would be complete without some warmth, we light a fire in a barrel in the back corner of our yard and skaters take turns warming their hands the old fashioned way.
On Thursday night, while we were minding our own ice rink,the many blocks where our house sits, went black. We were without power for just over 24 hours. Candles, fireplace, games and colouring took over and everyone adjusted with the same enthusiasm that came with the ice rink.
I'm happy to be reminded that sometimes in order to speed up, we should just slow down. Here's to the low tech joys of life and as we celebrate the inauguration of Barack Obama we can all rest easier knowing that he too celebrates the simpler things like common sense.


Glennis said...

I look and look and wonder just what it resembles? I can't decide, it looks like a gazebo type shelter that has been set fire to! I must be missing something! maybe a great deal of alcohol was consumed while building whatever it is.

me said...


JustbeFRANK said...

Hi Glennis,

You are seeing a complex photo that because of the existing light is difficult to distinguish the foreground from the back. The firepit is in the back, behind that is a Brick Garage with a roof that looks a lot like the umbrella you see in the very left foreground. There is an apple tree in the middle left of the rink that Lisa decorated with the Christmas lights that we pulled off the tree before it came down. Layer all of that, dim the sun, throw on the lights and insert two skaters on a backyard rink. Alcohol not required, but makes for a nice heartwarming view of Canadiana at its best.

Lesley said...

I feel completely lacking in my Canadian spirit since I have a river in my backyard with no excuse other than pure laziness why I haven't cut a hole and scooped off the snow and flooded a rink. Very impressive Lisa! Of course there is the nervousness I get when I feel the squish of soft slush and ice moving under my feet that deters me as well!

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