First things first. Thank you to my brother Frank for: a. reading my blog and b. making me covet the capelet no more.
And second, this is the second in the series of lists of "essentials" from the lives of my friends. This list comes from Ramona. She is a Mother, Vice-President, and a Trophy Wife who can drink you under the table. If you are one of her relatives, that was a joke.
She has beautiful taste, enjoys convenience and is a woman who confirms that you can have it all.
This is Ramona.
1. Crystal Beach
Crystal Beach has been around for a long long time. Some may say that it's hay day was mid last century. This makes me way behind the time or ahead of a new curve. I love everything about this amusement park mecca turned sleepy beach town. I especially love my cottage there.
2. Tiffany, Tag and Mani - oh my!
I like my left hand (and wrist)...mostly I enjoy looking at what adorns my left side. My beautiful tiffany celebration ring and my diamond speckled Tag Heuer watch. Both gifts from my husband at the birth of each of our boys. Not only are they beautiful to look at, but they remind me of the generosity of my husband, how damn difficult it is to push a baby out and how I really need to get regular manicures!
3. Nummy
So what if my youngest son is going to be 3 and still loves his pacifier? My spirited, Gianluca, has found his first addiction and I'm okay with it. He needs it to fall asleep at night and takes several hits off it (like a chain smoker) before finally leaving it beside the front door in the morning. I know I will pay for my laissez faire parenting style in steep dental bills later but for now both he and I need it!
4. Vitamin V
A Vitamin V (aka - Vodka) elixir is usually what bridges my two lives...that of corporate business woman and mom of 2 hooligan boys. I sometimes pour myself a little something before I even take my coat off. It helps me unwind and stay enthusiastic. No judging!
5. auntie's and uncle's
My favourite weekend mornings spent in Toronto always include breakfast at Auntie's and Uncle's. Fortunately, it is a stone's throw from our house. It reminds me of why I love living where I do. My recommendation would be the breakfast tacos although Leo swears by the waffles. (and bacon)
6. Hermes Scarf
I sometimes secretly wish I would break my arm just so I could create a sling with one of my beautiful Hermes scarves (just like Grace Kelly). I have 3 - one was an incredible three dollar find at a Value Village in Peterborough. I wish I had 100!
7. Silver Bullet
My car stinks. I don't know why it stinks but it really stinks. It is a combination of rotten milk meets dead mouse. Regardless, I love my car. I especially love driving my BMW on the highway to Crystal Beach. After about 10 minutes you stop smelling the stench. It is a fast car. It is an expensive car. It looks great and it stinks.

8. Flowers
I love flowers. I love growing flowers. I love picking flowers. I love smelling flowers. I love arranging flowers. I love all types of flowers. Here is a picture of an arrangement I made for my cousin, Christy.

I am a beauty whore. I like shampoos, make-up, lotion and potions. Mostly though, I love AVEDA. Usually people can smell me before they can see me. If you haven't experienced AVEDA aroma then you are missing out. My favourite AVEDA aroma is Shampure.
10. Miu Miu
I am 5'7"...growing up I always wanted to be I long to be taller (and skinnier, and smarter, and funnier). I can't walk in heels. Stilletos, slides and strappy heals drive me crazy. Oh but the wedge...the wedge heel has stolen my heart. My favourite are my old worn-in pair of Miu Miu's...they cost me a fortune but the miles we have travelled together are countless!
Your car does stink!
Misreading the opening, I thought for a moment that Ramona’s relatives are *really* big drinkers.
I would say that your fav 10 do best describe you to a "T"... although I thought red wine was also one of your favortes.
We too have come to love Crystal Beach and can't wait for the summer to begin.
No Fireworks this year!!
If Ramona can be a beauty whore then I can be a SCOTCH SLUT! Some relatives have been known to be big drinkers.....
Oh Ramona....
Those are all the reasons we love you so!
Your enthusiasm is contagious!
Sally and Gene
Hesperantha a night flower
seriously...are you kidding me?
classic ramona! hilarious
Hello. And Bye.
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