Sunday, February 22, 2009

Little Girl is Five

Tonight when I go to bed, after the mess of the party (pictures to follow)is erased, after all of the Oscar's are handed out, I will secretly hope to wake up at 1:40 a.m. For this is the  moment, just 5 short years ago, that Georgia joined my life. She is now post-celebration sleeping soundly, sugar coursing through her veins from the 3+ cupcakes and countless skittles, stories from her new books swimming in her head, baby doll blanketed and sleeping in a large GAP box formerly occupied by jeans and caftan courtesy of Stephen, placed gingerly next to her bed. She will wake up tomorrow a 5 year old. I started to really remember things when I turned 5. If her powers of observation are good, I'm going to have a lot of explaining to do. Happy Birthday love.

1 comment:

Paula said...

Happy Birthday Georgia!!
love your C.I. auntie Paula

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