Sunday, February 1, 2009

What does lemon have to do with it?

Anybody who knows me will tell you that I like lemons (they will say more damning things but we're keeping it narrow here). They will tell you that if I'm coming to their house, they will buy lemons. If they know me they won't ask if I would like lemon in my water, they will always just put it there and if I stop by someone's home unannounced, after greeting me, they will apologize for being out of lemons and will dispatch the lowest ranking household member to the local fruit market to retrieve some.
So in naming the blog and in giving it life, it took me all of two seconds to decide to include lemon in it's name. I squeeze lemons on my food, I like the way they look and I think they pretty much make a bad day better. But in the context of this blog they mean a few other things. They mean: If life gives you lemons..., they mean: adding something simple can make something so interesting and elegant, they mean: a zippier take on what you already have, and they mean: that Pledge smell when I was a child dusting all of the many wood surfaces in our suburban ranch-style house. I discovered lemons in my thirties and if you haven't already been converted, it's not too late for you. Add a little lemon to the usual, spin it a different way, take the bad and make it better, don't choose your crisis, choose your attitude. And always keep a few lemons in the fridge because you don't know who might drop by.

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